Read the stories and concepts behind each collection









The sisterhood collection originally started with my “Beauty Encrusted” project with Swarovski. It was all about beauty in modesty. I extended the concept into sisterhood! Growing up without any sisters I felt like I was missing that bond that some of my other close friends and family were able to have. Over the years I’ve formed my own little sisterhood. Without these women in my life guiding me, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today. So this is for all my sisters, my lifelong friends, and the new beautiful sisters I’ve made along my journey. The sisterhood print is a collage some of the visuals below

s i s t e r h o o d

l e t t e r s f r o m l a h o r e

I was rummaging through my nani (grandmother’s) diaries; I only found diaries going back to the 1980’s but I know she has a bigger stash hidden somewhere! My nani most definitely finds sentimental value in a lot of her belongings, not only has she kept her diaries, but she’s collected newspaper clippings, fabrics, yarns, little nick naks and everything under the kitchen sink. Within these diaries and pile of memories I found letters to and from Lahore, Pakistan. At this point I was somewhat thankful that I couldn’t read the content of the letters- but that didn’t stop my nosey self from asking her what they said. These letters helped her stay connected to everything and everyone back home. My nani, deep down has always missed Pakistan which is most likely the reason why she kept so many letters. When she came to England, she was excited for the opportunities it brought her as a woman who was highly educated with a university degree from Lahore. She was and still is, interested in politics (both Pakistani and British) and with a lot of hard work went on to teach Urdu and assisted with English in many schools in Waltham Forest. My khala (aunty), Ammi (mother) and I all attended the same school in which she once taught. This collection is a homage to my nani and her letters to Lahore which kept her connected to her home. To the woman who taught me how to knit, kept my first ever hand drawn designs and told me she always knew I’d be a Textile Designer. The ‘Letter Swirl’ print is a scan of my nani’s letters, edited and distorted into a pattern to protect her privacy; the Urdu lettering creates little pockets of details within the prints. When you wear a piece from this collection you are wearing a coded message, my grandmother’s memories.

p a t c h w o r k

I have always kept left over fabrics, swatches and scraps wondering what I could do with them. These pieces are made with sustainability in mind and turned into screen-printed patchwork cushions. It takes a lot more time to make but the outcome is worth it! I’ll be adding to the collection as my pile of scraps pile up to make patchwork garments and accessories. All pieces are one of one and unique which is even better.

p r e c i o u s

The Precious collection is simply inspired by my grandmothers jewellery collection. She’s A bad b Nani (grandmother) dripping in Gold… what else can I say.

“OLD IS GOLD” is all she had to say on the matter.